

Think Our ideal is to give form to the rich relationship between people, space, and nature.


We propose spaces that not only offer comfort and usability but also incorporate that extra 'plus alpha' to create fresh inspiration and discoveries during the time spent there. From architectural design to furniture design, we cater to our clients' requests and produce one-of-a-kind, high-quality spaces that are unique in the world.

Idea Perhaps the constraints imposed by various natural environments are what make space creation interesting.


How to invite natural light while preserving privacy, and how to create a sense of spaciousness in vast surroundings that are absent in both natural environments and urban centers. By expanding our thinking beyond conventional boundaries, we generate ideas that are truly eye-opening. Our goal is not only to solve challenges but also to consistently create abundant value in the spaces we design.

Comfort What is the comfort of nature? The answer to that question varies as much as the number of dreams people have.


Spaces possess a mysterious power to soothe and embrace people, inviting them to open up.
Whether or not this power is harnessed depends greatly on the strength of design.
Understanding who wants to use the space and what kind of moments they wish to create is crucial in design. Such perspectives on life are indispensable in the process. We are committed to creating things that resonate with the sensibilities of the people who will use them.

Style If fashion is a means of expressing one's individuality, then vacation facilities should be a platform for asserting one's own and family's identity.


The distinctive exteriors that stand out and the various exteriors that blend with nature; these buildings vividly express the individuality of the residents while beautifully harmonizing with the environment.




We will enhance the value of vacation facilities by utilizing our design expertise to accurately grasp the owner's requirements, bring out the charm of the land, and create villas and vacation facilities that harmonize with the natural environment of the site. From initial consultations to the completion of the building, our experienced dedicated staff will work towards fulfilling the owner's vision.


Tochigi Misawa Home


An architect who has designed over 30 villas so far.

An architect who has designed over 30 villas so far.


A resident of Nasu Town, our knowledgeable concierge is well-versed in all aspects of Nasu and can provide information not only about buildings but also about the land, surrounding environment, commercial facilities, hospitals, and any other essential living information.
We offer a variety of proposals tailored to your budget and preferences.


Tochigi Misawa Home


A dedicated representative residing in Nasu Town with comprehensive knowledge of the area.

A dedicated representative residing in Nasu Town with comprehensive knowledge of the area.


We will propose designs and interiors that cater to various needs, allowing you to forget your busy daily life, refresh, and concentrate on work. With experience in numerous villa designs, we specialize in creating extraordinary spaces.


Tochigi Misawa Home


A designer who beautifully designs everything.

A designer who beautifully designs everything.


To make the most of steep slopes and natural surroundings, the exterior design plays a crucial role. During their private time, they have a strong passion for camping and cooking, and their hobbies are wonderfully incorporated into the planning of the villa area, considering unique landscaping and the views from the buildings.


Tochigi Misawa Home


A landscape specialist who cherishes nature.

A landscape specialist who cherishes nature.